
From WhereToday


historic house museum, United Kingdom


independent museumEnglish country househistoric house museumUnited Kingdom


Location: 54.3535, -3.0592, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, OS

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Brantwood HouseBrantwood House
Brantwood House and Lake Coniston, in the mistBrantwood House and Lake Coniston, in the mist
Brantwood House, CumbriaBrantwood House, Cumbria
Brantwood Jetty on Coniston WaterBrantwood Jetty on Coniston Water
Brantwood on Coniston WaterBrantwood on Coniston Water
Brantwood - Project Gutenberg eText 20019Brantwood - Project Gutenberg eText 20019
Brantwood, ConistonBrantwood, Coniston
Brantwood, Coniston Lake, Char-Fishing - The English Lakes - A. Heaton CooperBrantwood, Coniston Lake, Char-Fishing - The English Lakes - A. Heaton Cooper
Brantwood, Coniston, Cumbria. Home of John Ruskin from 1872-1900 (Lakeland Writer and Artist)Brantwood, Coniston, Cumbria. Home of John Ruskin from 1872-1900 (Lakeland Writer and Artist)
Brantwood, Ruskin`s residenceBrantwood, Ruskin's residence
Brantwood: lakeside cattle pastureBrantwood: lakeside cattle pasture
Coniston: the tiny harbour at Brantwood, with the S.Y.Gondola on the lakeConiston: the tiny harbour at Brantwood, with the S.Y.Gondola on the lake
George Allen YatesGeorge Allen Yates
John Ruskin`s Slate `throne`John Ruskin's Slate 'throne'
Margaret RuskinMargaret Ruskin
Ruskin`s former house, Brantwood, ConistonRuskin's former house, Brantwood, Coniston
Seat above BrantwoodSeat above Brantwood
The jetty at Brantwood, with the S.Y.GondolaThe jetty at Brantwood, with the S.Y.Gondola
View From BrantwoodView From Brantwood
View From BrantwoodView From Brantwood
linkFreebase entry@ Wikidata
linkTripadvisor page@ Wikidata
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image2009Brantwood Wikimedia
image2007Brantwood Wikimedia
image2011Brantwood Wikimedia
image2013Brantwood Wikimedia
image2007Brantwood Wikimedia
image1985Brantwood House Wikimedia
image1993Brantwood House and Lake Coniston, in the mist Wikimedia
image2000Brantwood House, Cumbria Wikimedia
image2009Brantwood Jetty on Coniston Water Wikimedia
image2006Brantwood on Coniston Water Wikimedia
imageBrantwood - Project Gutenberg eText 20019 Wikimedia
imageBrantwood, Coniston Wikimedia
image1905Brantwood, Coniston Lake, Char-Fishing - The English Lakes - A. Heaton Cooper Wikimedia
image2004Brantwood, Coniston, Cumbria. Home of John Ruskin from 1872-1900 (Lakeland Writer and Artist) Wikimedia
imageBrantwood, Ruskin's residence Wikimedia
image2010Brantwood: lakeside cattle pasture Wikimedia
image2010Coniston: the tiny harbour at Brantwood, with the S.Y.Gondola on the lake Wikimedia
imageGeorge Allen Yates Wikimedia
image2007John Ruskin's Slate 'throne' Wikimedia
imageMargaret Ruskin Wikimedia
image2013Ruskin's former house, Brantwood, Coniston Wikimedia
image2013Seat above Brantwood Wikimedia
image2010The jetty at Brantwood, with the S.Y.Gondola Wikimedia
image2013View From Brantwood Wikimedia
image2013View From Brantwood Wikimedia