Bedford Castle

From WhereToday


castle in Bedfordshire, England, UK


1100 Bedford Castle motte and bailey
archaeological sitemotte-and-bailey castlekeepmotteUnited Kingdom

Castle Hill, Bedford - - 646086.jpg
Model of Bedford Castle - - 1869776.jpg

Location: 52.1357, -0.463504, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, OS

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Bedford Castle MoundBedford Castle Mound
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Bedford Castle moundBedford Castle mound
Bedford Castle moundBedford Castle mound
Bloody RomansBloody Romans
Castle Hill, BedfordCastle Hill, Bedford
Castle Mound, BedfordCastle Mound, Bedford
Doorway to a secret chamberDoorway to a secret chamber
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Reaching For The Centre Of Bedford CastleReaching For The Centre Of Bedford Castle
Rowers on the River Great OuseRowers on the River Great Ouse
The Bedford snakesThe Bedford snakes
The Great Ouse, BedfordThe Great Ouse, Bedford
linkGatehouse Gazetteer entry@ Wikidata
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image2011BedfordCastleEntrancePlaque Wikimedia
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imageBedfordCastleNight Wikimedia
image2010Bedford Castle Mound Wikimedia
image2010Bedford Castle litter bin Wikimedia
image2010Bedford Castle mound Wikimedia
image2010Bedford Castle mound Wikimedia
imageBitvauBedfordu1224 Wikimedia
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