Carleton Castle

From WhereToday


castle in South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK


tower houseUnited Kingdom

Carleton Castle tower ruins from the south-east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire.jpg

Location: 55.1647, -4.9325, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, OS

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Carleton CastleCarleton Castle
Carleton Castle and raven, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle and raven, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle from Carleton Port, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle from Carleton Port, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle ruins from the east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle ruins from the east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle ruins, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle ruins, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle ruins, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle ruins, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle ruin construction details, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle ruin construction details, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle ruin details, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle ruin details, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle ruin from the east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle ruin from the east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle ruin from the north-east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle ruin from the north-east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle tower ruins from the south-east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle tower ruins from the south-east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle tower ruin from the farm , Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle tower ruin from the farm , Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle, LendalfootCarleton Castle, Lendalfoot
Carleton Castle, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire, Scotland. View from the villageCarleton Castle, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire, Scotland. View from the village
Carleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South AyrshireCarleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire
Carleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire. View from the northCarleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire. View from the north
Carleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire. View from the westCarleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire. View from the west
King Of The CastleKing Of The Castle
Lendalfoot on Girvan road, South Ayrshire, Scotland. View north-eastLendalfoot on Girvan road, South Ayrshire, Scotland. View north-east
The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) (14598529058)The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) (14598529058)
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image2018Carleton Castle and raven, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle from Carleton Port, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle ruins from the east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle ruins, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle ruins, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle ruin construction details, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle ruin details, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle ruin from the east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle ruin from the north-east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle tower ruins from the south-east, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle tower ruin from the farm , Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2006Carleton Castle, Lendalfoot Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire, Scotland. View from the village Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire. View from the north Wikimedia
image2018Carleton Castle, Little Carleton Farm, Lendalfoot, South Ayrshire. View from the west Wikimedia
image2009King Of The Castle Wikimedia
image2018Lendalfoot on Girvan road, South Ayrshire, Scotland. View north-east Wikimedia
image1887The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) (14598529058) Wikimedia